Who: Current Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Graders
What: Colt Competition Cheerleading is our program for more advanced cheerleaders, combining sideline cheering for our Colt travel football teams with preparation for and participation in local cheer competitions. Previous experience is helpful. Tryouts are mandatory. You must be registered to try out. Prospective competition cheerleaders will learn a cheer and a dance at the clinic, which will be performed for tryouts on Sunday.
Where: Murphey Candler Park and competition destinations
When: Clinic is held Monday, April 15th, 6:00-8:00pm and Wednesday, April 17th, 6:00 - 8:00pm at Colt Field. Mandatory Parent Meeting Sunday, April 21st, 12:30pm at Colt Field. Tryouts are Sunday, April 21st, 1:00 - 3:00pm at Colt Field. Season begins August 5th and runs through mid-November. Practice is held a minimum of two weeknights, Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 - 8:00pm, plus weekend practice each Sunday from 1-3pm to prepare for competitions. Colt Competition cheerleaders cheer at all home games at Colt Field on Saturdays.
Cost: Registration fee is $260, uniform fee is approximately $500 and team dues are $150.
Registration: Registration is open until May 1. You must be registered to try out.
Follow us: @atlcoltscheer
Contact the Cheer Directors Christina Stern at [email protected] and Sarah Brady at [email protected] or the Colts Competition Director Allyson Houser at [email protected] for additional information.